Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 Really strange laws.

Not everybody is your ordinary everyday simple person, People around the world do strange uncalled for things, so then strange laws are written to prevent people from doing them. Although some may seem highly unbelievable, they are every bit true. Enjoy.

1. In Oklahoma, you can be arrested for making weird faces at a dog.
2. In Devon, Texas. It is illegal to make furniture while nude. *phew* 
3. In Florida, Men seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown may be fined. 

4. In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the courthouse steps on Sundays. 
5. In Tennessee it is illegal to drive while sleeping. 
6. In Louisiana it is considered aggravated assault to bite someone with dentures. 
7. In Samoa it is illegal to forget your wifes birthday. 
8. In Indiana it is illegal to dress Barbie in Ken's clothes. 

9. In Texas it's illegal to threaten someone with an unloaded gun. 
10. In Australia, It's illegal to name any animal you plan to eat. 

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